Hello Amigos!
I am Jessy Rose
How are you all doing?
I hope you are safe and doing well😇

As the title says Who is this blessed person?
And who is calling as a blessed one?

Laban told these words about Eliezer.

The meaning of Eliezer is "Help of my God"

Genesis 24:2
He said to the senior servant in his household, the one in charge of all that he had, "Put your hand under my thigh.

Genesis 24:4
But will go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Issac.

Let's check about this Eliezer in a brief:-

  1. Eliezer is from Damascus (Genesis 15:2)
  2. He is the senior servant in Abraham’s household. He monitors everything that Abraham own.
  3. He lived with "Father of Faith"
  4. The one that travelled for the promise he made with his master
  5. The one who travelled with 10 camels and with many good things (Genesis 24:10)
  6. Abraham is blessed one who is the descendant of Seth which we learnt last week, because of Abraham, his servant was also blessed that his camels also knelt down.
  7. He asked for God's help he prayed that whoever draws water for me and for my camels as well she will be the wife to my master's son.
  8. He saw Rebekah who is beautiful and just for a better understanding I already made a detailed blog about her go kindly check it out. (Genesis 24:16) (Just click on the Rebekah name it will take you to the blog page)
  9. He waited patiently whether is she the one whom God chose for his master's son (Genesis 24:21)
  10. He gave her good things (to know what all he presented you should definitely check the blog)
  11. Eliezer bowed down and prayed (Genesis 24:26-27)
  12. He praised God. He knows the truth and kindness of God. He praised God that God made his work to be successful in his midway itself.
  13. He didn't give priority to fill his stomach but gave importance to his master's work (Genesis 24:33)
  14. He was explaining his promise to his master
  15. He was not boasting about himself but telling about his master (Genesis 24:34-36)
  16. Genesis 24:50 - This is from the Lord; we can say nothing to you one way or the other
  17. Genesis 24:52 - He bowed down to the ground before the Lord
  18. If you read the before blog you will know that Eliezer gave jewellery, clothes to Rebekah
  19. Without wasting any time he started back to his master along with Rebekah (Genesis 24:56)
  20. He shows Issac as his master to Rebekah (Genesis 24:65)
  21. He gave a report about what all he did to Issac
And we have an in-detail blog about Issac on our website go check it out.

Eliezer represents the Holy Spirit
Father of Faith Abraham represents Our Father God
Issac represents Son, Jesus Christ 
Rebekah represents Bride

For the promise Eliezer made with his master Abraham, he prepares Rebekah and brought her to Issac.

Just like that Holy Spirit is preparing us the bride for Jesus Christ who is coming super soon as the Groom to fulfil the will of our Father God.

May we receive such blessing to be prepared by Holy Spirit. AMEN!

God bless you all!

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